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TF2 VSH event

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Hello everyone!


As I'm sure all of you know by now that S-G has Tf2 server (shocking I know). But every time I check on the server it only has 0 - 2 players max. So the event idea is a "most damage event" VSH event. The idea is that the player who can get the most damage as the mercenaries (against the hale) could get a prize. Equally for when you play as the hale whoever gets the most kills as the hale can also get it's own certain prize. What do you all think? I personally feel this would be a great chance to get the ball rolling on the arena server and maybe it could have a consistent player base in the Tf2 community. Any feedback is welcome! I am very excited about this event is it does get approved!


The idea is that the event would last two - three weeks to give players ample amount of time to get the numbers up!


ALSO! For you medic players, since medic isn't a damage dealing class a way to keep players to playing medic during the event is either amount healed or number of ubers used.

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2 hours ago, Pyro Looga said:

ALSO! For you medic players, since medic isn't a damage dealing class a way to keep players to playing medic during the event is either amount healed or number of ubers used.

Medic also gains the damage numbers based on the player they are healing, so this is unnecessary. Other than that good idea, we'll look into it.

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