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State of SG.... (Lynxie Reference)

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On 2/23/2022 at 8:33 PM, FanService said:

Former staff using ZE to reaffirm their shit hot-take. Nothing new here

Shocker, ZE being name dropped to further someones credibility??? Unheard off in this gaming community.

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So….this is half a joke half serious right? I can’t see a thread about this actually being serious considering the bantering and lack of actual reasonable information “shutting down a server because it’s inactive”. 

Need a bit more info than that, as TF2 is not a server that is going to bring hundreds of people to come playing but rather a server that is good to hang out in the moment and for events or just for anyone who is feeling down to play TF2 at SG with some friends. 

TF2 is just as dead as Rust is in our server list in my eyes but I don’t think either one of them should be shut down for the time being NOR is it causing a population problem. 

The biggest issue is that CSGO over the years is becoming more and more boring and less active, hell this community used to be popping over CS Source and CSGO alone. With those 2 dying being that CSGO is our main server base you should pretty much expect population to decline as the game declines.


And ffs if any of you try to say CSGO isn’t dying, just take a look at the community market, prices raising standard supply and demand, less people buy it so people sell it for more money trying to make as much as they can before the game dies off.


What we really need is to find a giant breakthrough, just like GFL had in their case, we need to find something that could potentially somehow make us popular again. Now I’m no expert with marketing or advertising but we could try to start at a game that is pretty popular, maybe one that comes out soon or has come out recently that supports servers. That could be the huge boost we need to get more people.


overall, this community is like an investment, population is going to go up and down and up and down and hit sky high..and then fall to the ground before coming back up eventually sometime that we may not know. 

But what determines the fall of the company is the lack of work put into it, and with school and real life getting in the way of this virtual world I say these higher-ups are doing a great job given the circumstances.


All that is needed is a bit more time and someone with a brilliant idea to help them, if you think something is wrong and that you could help, for God’s sake THERE IS DISCORD MESSAGES, MESSAGES YOU CAN SEND ON THE FORUMS TO HIGHER-UPS, AND YOU CAN APPLY FOR STAFF TO EXPRESS MORE IDEAS IF YOU WANT. The only thing hindering your ability to speak here is yourself


and any staff members telling you to calm down if you are just an absolute asshole about it. 

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Edited by Neko
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Honestly had to have a bit to drink half way writing that but does anybody here have any ideas with how we might be able to help that now that we are on this subject? Please don’t be afraid to speak up if you have any ideas, it doesn’t hurt to try if you actually care about the community getting back up in population. 

because honestly I’m desperate to make new friends and have new members in SG and I’m sure most of you do too.

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As someone who does not have too much experience personally with how the whole server situation works however, it’s understandably hard for myself and others who also don’t understand to give input on what might and might not help.


Looking back at previous information and form prior knowledge I do remember us trying to switch server locations or something around that to try to get more player base and it failed.


But if GFL did it, we can do it too, literally anybody with an idea no matter how ridiculous it might be, can speak up, any ideas are welcome in my opinion. 

I might not be a higher-up so you don’t have to listen to me whatsoever, but if you have an idea and you care about the server just remember, it never hurts to express said idea as even the most ridiculous ideas can help.


Emotional speech aside ideas I have are listed below:


You could try to talk to friends to see if they play CSGO and maybe help get them on the server if they are interested

Possibly make steam groups with our initials in it, if anybody asks about it you could possibly advertise the group/community to them if they are truly interested


Its possible you could even put some of your weapon names with the name Steam Gamers (not really recommended as it is a bit ridiculous and might put bad reputation as you might be sweating/destroying kids with said gun)


You could possibly vaguely bring up the server in other community servers if anybody seems interested (don’t force it on them, that’s bad advertising, if they seem interested or if anybody if looking for a community to hang out with some friends or just to hang out, don’t be afraid to tell them about SG)


reminder: any of these you decide to do are out of your pure choice, these may not be great, not good, nor the best ideas but they are nonetheless ideas. If you do manage to get in trouble via these methods please don’t take it out on me as I’m into advertising that you “soft advertise” (advertising only if they seem interested and with the intent to not piss off others). 

note: when I’m more sober I’ll try to think of better ideas to help 

note 2: sorry for spelling mistakes/grammar mistakes

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On 2/21/2022 at 11:33 PM, Bondairy said:

 That being TF2, you literally can't make any good argument as to why we still have the server. As far as TF2 regulars go that I can name I'll say PyroLooga, and he barely gets on. Whether that be school, work, other interests and activities I can tell you that the server is long gone in terms of popularity. Nobody wants to make time for it. It's most likely never going to be revived and the reason the server was made (to take advantage of the botting situation that was plaguing TF2) is no longer an issue iirc.

I guess i have to defend myself since I've been called out. I haven't been on the TF2 server for a few reasons: like you said I still go to school and I do have a job and that requires my attention away from the Tf2 server. There's also another main reason why, there's rarely any players o beyond 1 or 2 if we're lucky. I would sometimes sit in the TF2 server for at least an hour hoping someone to join. We have had events go on in the server that have had great turn out. We are working on events for it but so for I've been the only event coordinator working on events for it, and that's not bad. The others on the events team  do an outstanding job with there respective servers, it's just TF2 popularity isn't where we'd like it to be. Any ideas you'd like to see for TF2 can be posted in the event suggestions. And like Infinity said removing the TF2 server wouldn't do anything since of how little work it takes to run. The best things we can do to the server is make it more appealing to the general Team Fortress fan-bass, Not just S-G regulars. How that could be implement? I have a few ideas, but as for now the best thing we can do for server popularity is marketing, getting the word out on events, and making the server more appealing than those of Wonderland and Skial.  It seems this post was made from a place of passion and genuine interest in the well being of the community and servers overall but the presentation wasn't there.

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30 minutes ago, Pyro Looga said:

I guess i have to defend myself since I've been called out. I haven't been on the TF2 server for a few reasons: like you said I still go to school and I do have a job and that requires my attention away from the Tf2 server. There's also another main reason why, there's rarely any players o beyond 1 or 2 if we're lucky. I would sometimes sit in the TF2 server for at least an hour hoping someone to join. We have had events go on in the server that have had great turn out. We are working on events for it but so for I've been the only event coordinator working on events for it, and that's not bad. The others on the events team  do an outstanding job with there respective servers, it's just TF2 popularity isn't where we'd like it to be. Any ideas you'd like to see for TF2 can be posted in the event suggestions. And like Infinity said removing the TF2 server wouldn't do anything since of how little work it takes to run. The best things we can do to the server is make it more appealing to the general Team Fortress fan-bass, Not just S-G regulars. How that could be implement? I have a few ideas, but as for now the best thing we can do for server popularity is marketing, getting the word out on events, and making the server more appealing than those of Wonderland and Skial.  It seems this post was made from a place of passion and genuine interest in the well being of the community and servers overall but the presentation wasn't there.

Bro he wasn’t calling you out 💀 mf took that to heart

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