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Improvements to Jailbreak?

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The LR plugin is extremely buggy. Feel like it being completely recoded or reverted to an older/more stable version might be best. Map fixes/edits/removals and as someone else stated- extending the FO plugin is probably a good idea. Removing unfun maps to not require people to RTV unfun shit & having maps that fit SG's more deathmatch style gameplay is generally always what I liked to do. When we added FO it was supposed to be a way for the player base to get over their unreasonable phobia of a warden system while we figured out how to make a better system than the warden systems the other servers used (because even we weren't fully convinced). 2020-2021 I learned Hammer WAY better than I had ever previously and I wish I had got more into using it & stripper configs when I was managing JB. New event ideas possibly using custom-made plugins rather than recycling the same 2-3 events we ran in 2017 could be cool. If you checkout some of the other servers they really enrich JB gameplay by adding some MG aspects to it with plugins. We had some very early non intrusive voting-style ideas for this in one of the JB Rework threads we made back whenever ago, might be looking at. 

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55 minutes ago, Steven. said:

I know this has been suggested before but I'm serious why don't we nerf grenades since they can be used as weapons to mass rdm? 

Usually when someone wants to mass freekill they just hold left click for a few seconds. It's not really all that difficult to kill a bunch of unarmed players who are frozen in place or inside a small area. I don't see how this changes anything but inconveniencing the 90% of players on CT side who don't use them like this & having it mess up the balance on the server. Why don't we nerf AK47? Why don't we nerf Negev? 

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Buff jihads and make them more accessible and increase the max amount of them that can purchased at the same time


Jihads are the only weapon T's have against Nazi CT's

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On 5/5/2022 at 10:28 AM, Zero Two said:

So im interested to see what kind of changes you guys are interested in doing/adding/removing to Jailbreak.

 So let me hear what you want to see change about jailbreak as a whole weather it be maps rules addons lr ect i want to hear it

I believe that jb needs a huge reformatting. the current format is outshined by other servers and is razor based ruleset/theme. I love razor as its the best map, but its shown to not be profitable.


the fix is not one that can be can come an SM alone, it needs a fresh look from the original rule writer, as well as those that were around when they were scribed. 


Theres a saying in my industry and it is a principal to live by, Look Up And Live.

Edited by The Real Slim Jim
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oh god please add hours required or requirements for ct because the cts either are clueless and new / dont know how to enforce or make orders


also add something to add a ct whenever there is none because no one wants to go to ct and its retarded


no clue if there is a rule for this or sum but clearly its not enforced because we get fds everytime someone gets on and its boring

Edited by xafhnnmnn
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