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Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers

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Today marked the release of Kendrick Lamars final album "Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers"


Overall Kendricks catalog is undeniably legendary, holding some of the most intriguing and well developed songs/albums in rap history. Kendrick gets really really personal(like really really personal) on this album as well, Don't really wanna say too much about what i think about the album yet cuz i only got through one listen and i wanna wait for it to age a little bit but theres def some cool stuff on this album including: 

  • the summer walker feature where she talking bout getting eaten out on a balcony
  • the production 
  • kodak black features
  • that big ass argument track was really cool 
  • baby keem features 
  • the way the album ends also i thought was really cool. great way to wrap the career up 
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Production on this album fire.


Standouts to me so far:


Rich Spirit

Father Time

Savior Interlude

Silent Hill



I'll probably post a more thorough review in a month or so after more playthroughs. Respect the growth but missing more of the 'GKMC', 'DAMN', and 'Section 80'  sound that made me fall in love.


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Kendrick Lamid is back with another big disappointment in his already weak and shaky discography. 


I'm personally disgusted with the direction he's taken with his career, he would've been a great lawyer but he's decided to try and pursue music and I don't really see the appeal.


The whole album is littered with music which makes it just an absolute drag to get through considering I'd much rather be listening to a podcast or something.


Overall, good attempt at a project, but Morbius had a lot more going for it considering that actually had visuals and fight scenes and explosions and stuff, unlike this mess.

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Being a big Baby Keem fan I was really excited for his features on Savior and Savior Interlude. Savior Interlude was great, so I was expecting Keem to come out just as hard on Savior, but he never did. That's fine though, still a great song. 


I'm a sucker for vocals like Sampha's on Father Time, easily one of my favorite songs on the album. 


Silent Hill was fire. Kodak caught me waaaaaaay off guard with his feature, in a good way. Usually Kodak features are ass if they're over ~30 seconds, but bro held his own for like a minute and a half. Very impressed. 


I really like this album, even though I've only listened to it in full once. I'll have to do a couple more listen throughs to form a FULL opinion on the album and it's little details. 


when yb dropping @20 scrolls


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Old Kendrick: nuanced perspective on racism, black culture, relationships, politics


New Kendrick: fuckyoubrothafuckyoubitchfuckmebrothafuckmebitch


Albums pretty good so far but definitely some low points. I don't understand why you guys like Keem, his voice is whiny as fuck.


High points are Rich Spirits, Silent Hill, Auntie Diaries, and Savior.

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5 hours ago, Gentoo said:

Old Kendrick: nuanced perspective on racism, black culture, relationships, politics


New Kendrick: fuckyoubrothafuckyoubitchfuckmebrothafuckmebitch


Albums pretty good so far but definitely some low points. I don't understand why you guys like Keem, his voice is whiny as fuck.


High points are Rich Spirits, Silent Hill, Auntie Diaries, and Savior.

Genuinely this album is also very nuanced and consistent. The song you're talking about, "We Cry Together" is a better song than what you're saying. It seems like you don't enjoy songs that tell a story.. Honestly I don't even know if you enjoy anything period tbh, but the song has a clear story to it. Im not going to dive into it because I just don't want to. 

It isn't the deepest, darkest song talking about gang shootings and growing up poor. Just a perspective of two people and and argument. Using this song as an example of what you think is low is just.. weird.


Yesterday my friends and I got b00fed and we started listening to the album and all of us were fucking loving it. When going to sleep our friend played Neo-Soul/RnB which was such a great vibe. Wake up in the morning trying to sober up so we could get dropped off, and we start playing the album in the car on the ride. First song playing was "Die Hard" and the whole drive and mood was incredible.  Overall this album is great, I love the vocals, production, features, and flow. Better than WLR ten fold, but tbh Kendrick doesnt even need to try to do that.

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44 minutes ago, lynxie said:

The song you're talking about, "We Cry Together" is a better song than what you're saying. It seems like you don't enjoy songs that tell a story.. Honestly I don't even know if you enjoy anything period tbh, but the song has a clear story to it. Im not going to dive into it because I just don't want to.

Generic fictional couple argues about generic fictional problems before devolving into a vague tirade about gendered issues and resolving over sex. I mentioned it as a meme not a low point in the album but the fact that there's people that would call this creative and nuanced has made me change my stance. Cringe and trash, I'd like to see what you have to say in favor of it.

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