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Mass Shootings, American Pride, Gun Laws...

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  On 6/6/2022 at 2:28 PM, kabLe said:



Ok, because you don't understand, here is a tree diagram:

  •  Democracy
    • Direct Democracy
      • (nobody exists here)
    • Representative democracy
      • 200 versions of parliaments, republics, etc
      • Federal presidential republic
        • United States of America
    • Many other types of democracies

Do you understand why the US is a "democracy" now?


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  On 6/6/2022 at 2:43 PM, jazzy said:

Ok, because you don't understand, here is a tree diagram:

  •  Democracy
    • Direct Democracy
      • (nobody exists here)
    • Representative democracy
      • 200 versions of parliaments, republics, etc
      • Federal presidential republic
        • United States of America
    • Many other types of democracies

Do you understand why the US is a "democracy" now?





Nice tree though

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  On 6/6/2022 at 2:49 PM, kabLe said:



Nice tree though


Are you confused by my tree diagram or something? I'm telling you that America is a federal presidential republic, which runs on democracy. It's a democracy. Who's close minded again?

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  On 6/6/2022 at 2:59 PM, jazzy said:

Are you confused by my tree diagram or something? I'm telling you that America is a federal presidential republic, which runs on democracy. It's a democracy. Who's close minded again?


But we are not a democracy? It's not close minded. I'm not drawing based on opinion or interpretation. I looked it up and we are not a democratic form of government.

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  On 6/6/2022 at 3:01 PM, kabLe said:

But we are not a democracy? It's not close minded. I'm not drawing based on opinion or interpretation. I looked it up and we are not a democratic form of government.


Quick info for those actually trying to argue this...


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  On 6/6/2022 at 3:25 PM, BoM said:

Quick info for those actually trying to argue this...


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Seems like we were both correct based on this. However I have a feeling jazzy will come in and tell me I'm severely wrong and we are only a democracy. But I'm willing to concede that I was half wrong based on the information I looked up versus what @BoMprovided.


My overall point is that we are still different from other countries, that is an undeniable fact. What works in China isn't going to work in the USA. You argument was that it works in the rest of the world so then it would work here without considering any other variables. What worked in another country for them doesn't mean it's going to work here. If you aren't willing to accept that then yes you are being close minded as you are not considering other perspectives or the fact that culture, lifestyle, values, etc would have something to do with if banning guns would work in America or not.


I'm perfectly willing to concede that there is a possibility that it does work and everything works out for the best however I'm also willing to look at the other side and give it more thought than simply, banning guns = less gun violence. For all you know banning guns = south says no and starts civil war. If they were willing to start a civil war over slavery which they viewed as they had a fundamental right to own slaves as they were their property, what makes you think it would be any different with guns? Are you willing to gamble a civil war on that? If you are, kudos to you for being stagnant in your beliefs not many people can do that, however I have a feeling the bloodshed from a Civil War will quickly out pace every mass shooting event put together. You should at least concede that banning guns could have a net negative effect on the country overall rather than lets just get rid of gun violence.

Edited by BoM
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  On 6/7/2022 at 4:48 PM, Gentoo said:




You know I hate your anti-psych med rhetoric because 95% of the time it's what is best for someone suffering anything beyond low level anxiety or depression, but where you really lost me is the CIA part. This a conspiracy I don't know about?

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  On 6/7/2022 at 4:59 PM, BoM said:

You know I hate your anti-psych med rhetoric because 95% of the time it's what is best for someone suffering anything beyond low level anxiety or depression, but where you really lost me is the CIA part. This a conspiracy I don't know about?


You don't remember people saying Sandy Hook was staged/planned and every shooting since? How every shooter has been on psychoactives?


On a serious note, I don't actually believe any of that garbage I just think it's funny 😐


I do still think it's unethical to tell hundreds of thousands of children their suffering is a result of a brain defect and they need to permanently alter it's chemistry rather than just admitting it's a rational outcome of living in inhuman conditions. Make a thread of it grinds your gears that hard.

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