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Hello everyone, We just wanted to bring you guys an announcement about plans we currently have going on in the background, with something of a community update to go along with it. Firstly, it feels almost obligatory now to mention this every now and again: but Steam-Gamers is here to stay. We know this can be a persistent question in people's minds with our lower population numbers in recent times, along with many other communities shutting down around us. However, we have every intention of keeping things up and running, and we're still actively working on new stuff to bring to the table. @Caution and I have struggled with activity in recent months, so we honestly have to give a massive amount of credit to our extremely strong board of Directors; @jazzy, @Elfbarf, @Zero Two, and @Karma, along with the entirety of our AO and TA team. They're really to credit for SG still providing that sense of community that many people are seeking. And that is what our goal was yesterday, that is our goal today, and that will be our goal tomorrow. We simply want to provide a place for people to game with one another and form friendships. We fully intend on continuing on for that reason. In the coming weeks, we have a few different things that might be brought to life. Though at the moment we're just vetting ideas and working through discussions. These ideas include: an ARK: Survival Ascended server, reigniting our Squad server, and potentially launching some new CS2 stuff. We have a few ideas in mind for that piece, but we're still just working out whether or not continuing in CS2 is of much use. This is the part where we, as always, would love to hear your input as community members, and definitely feel free to mention anything else you'd like to see! While we don't want to do too many things at once, we're probably looking to offer you guys at least a couple more things. Along with that, we're planning on running a community meeting quite soon here, probably in collaboration with one of the gaming events we usually run on Discord. So feel free to save your input for then if you aren't much of a typing person. Additionally, with all of these things in mind, please note that we're always looking for new staff members to bring on board. Whether you're interested in being a Server Admin to give input at a higher level and moderate our Discord, stepping up to Administrative Officer to help with the actual management of our servers, or if you have technical skills that could assist our Technical Team in keeping the gears turning! We appreciate all the help we can get, so please reach out. Within the next 7 days, expect the following: - A community meeting announcement with a date attached - Some possible new promotions - A final announcement on at least one of the mentioned servers - Exciting news about our Supporter rank Thank you everyone, and happy gaming!11 points
The Bartender asks them what they want, Elfbarf starts to order his drink, but he's stabbed by triou before he can call out what he wants. Nomai asks for a flaming drink, and the Bartender hands him a burning explosive barrel. Squid, starts to order, but the bartender cuts him off and tells him to get out of the bar, he doesn't serve seafood. I'm sorry Anyway, congratulations to all three for your continued help in making SG such a great place to be. Elfbarf's continued hard work on TTT is forever appreciated and this promotion is by far overdue. Squid and Nomai's help in administrating the TTT, helping keep the fellas in line and providing ideas, insight into TTT and other events and activities has been a breath of fresh air for our members who join us weekly. As always, join us in Discord to participate in good times! https://discord.gg/steamgamers Thanks all!!!11 points
The AO promo is to help run a server that is commonly requested, we use ranks to entitle people to permissions throughout SG's platform, such as in-game admin functionality beyond what a typical SA gets, dedi access to their running service, etc. The supporter rework is is in part to roll up a solution to give supporters and Discord Nitro boosters (which helps with our Discord presence, features, and general social gathering) to show them we appreciate their support. I have been developing new landing pages for our website to consolidate information and provide a more simplistic approach than the forums, as well as solve some technical debt on a few things regarding our source of truth for ranks, donations, and general news dissemination to the public. The servers we host today have primarily been deployed by the administrative team on things they like or things that have been requested. Some servers receive more maintenance/love than others, simply because that is the free time associated by the relevant admin in that server. For instance GMOD TTT receives plugin development, map rotations, seeding per week, and serves as our primary source of pulling in members for other things (such as party games). Every single meeting we talk about this, and we meet biweekly typically, is that we will never really deploy a server we personally don't have interest in, or we can't find someone who has interest in. Our interest, like everyone else, shifts over time. We try to maintain what we've built simply because it was effort by our staff and members to build that based on feedback, plugins, development, etc. I will use Surf as an example where we had an exceptional run at population and activity until Kilowatt hit and caused more aggressive ramp bugging, which reduced triou and I's, and many other members, interest in it. We still maintain it in the event anything changes, but ultimately our interest shifted out to other games and endeavors. The primary goals of the website, forums, discord, servers are all staff (and members, to which I will point out, the staff are) initiated. Every single endeavor done by us is done because someone here wants to do it. The reason I bring this up is just from the hypothetical suggestion of "why don't you do X, or do Y." It is simply because none of us have any real interest in doing such. There are definitely times where we may do something out of necessity, no doubt, but the primary decision making is done individually most of the time with support or interest from others. There are sometimes solo projects, and sometimes team efforts. Every single staff member except tamer because he is a bum, work full time or go to school full time, we have limited time in the day to work on anything and try to be selective to what we find fun.10 points
I apologize for my past transgressions during my time as legend. I was upset, angry, confused for the way things turned out, but most of all passionate to return to the days we all seem to reminisce. Hypocritical of me to be speaking of being passionate when I so very clearly was not expressing that at the time and I have no real excuse for that other than I, along many others, allowed our emotions and feelings take over and lose maturity and care at the time. No matter how devasting the state of SG is now, its still nice to see that a place I used to call my second home is still here. I didn't understand that back when I was a headache to all of you who were and still are in leadership. I do now. And however late it may be and however little it may mean to any of you, I'm sorry and wish you all truly the best. Long Live Steam-Gamers9 points
Hello everyone, Just want to quickly announce two promotions we pushed out yesterday: up to Administrative Officer we have The Real Slim Jim. Together we're gonna see if we can't get CS2 Jailbreak back on its feet and get some playtime in with the community, in the interest of nostalgia at the very least. And up to Technical Administrator we have Triou, who has been as valuable an asset at AO as you could possibly be for some time now and has been creating plugins for us and developing his skills for a while now. We're very excited for the both of these guys to continue contributing to the community as they have been, perhaps now in an even bigger way. And as always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you too are interested in any of our staff positions. I'm beginning to roll out changes the higher ups discussed some time ago regarding the ability for Server Admins to begin moderating our Discord as things have shifted in that direction, so that is also a role you can play moving forward if that is of any interest to anyone. Thanks everyone!8 points
@SpiritwindI think it's best if we baseline and I am going to ignore all of the things you've said to me and you can ignore all of the things I've said to you and we can start fresh. I feel the wounds from last year have closed and it's whatever, and I feel that my response to you in this thread was formal, mature, and gave you insight into the things we're working on. It was not meant as an insult to you to explain everything you had thoughts about, but instead you attacked me directly, and I'm willing to forgive you for that. And I'm willing to apologize for any insult I made against you in the last thread where we had discussions. I joined here at one of the biggest heights of SG (not to say there weren't more to follow!), and it was a stellar experience, there was definitely low points for my own character and high points. I was driving home from work the other day and I was thinking about something- a few of my best friends are from this place, people I talk with almost daily despite having NEVER met them IRL (yet!!!). The funny thing I was laughing about was the mygot guys who used to hang out here and built their own meaningful relationships. Starbucks still checks in once and a while and has kids. It's crazy to think about. Anyway, it's funny the parallels to me with goodguys, who were not nearly as bad as mygot when I got here, but I see that they're building their own lifelong relationships, despite how toxic they can be, lol. But I realized after joining, and although it was a slow start, that what makes the community is such, a community. I have had a wonderful time meeting new, fresh faces, old returning ones that I had not talked with in 8+ years, and spending hours on voice chat and TTT having a blast, talking about life, work, successes, and setbacks. I don't believe there is a community here, I know there is one because I exist within it, and interact even daily with those in it as well. To me, the only failure that can exist here is when we fail to be warm and welcoming, and I have utterly failed you in that regard, and others as well, no doubt I can be abrasive to those I disagree with, and it's shameful to see now how I have treated you. I don't think I will answer most of your concerns, nor do I think I can, but I will say this: I don't know if this place will ever grow from the placement in the universe it is at, if it dies tomorrow or dies in a year or dies in a decade I have no idea, and I think concerning myself with that is creating unnecessary anxiety that will simply cloud the experiences I can give to others. I'm proud of the work the fellow administrative team has done to help create experiences and build meaningful relationships with people inside and outside the community. Whether it's the wrong move or the right move is irrelevant, it is the experiences and relationships we build in this community that dictate it. The important distinction I want to make about everything is there are communities bigger than us who have no forums, or only discord, or no discord, or no servers, or no whatever. The platform or tools used are largely irrelevant to me and only exist to solve problems on a community scale, but those problems must come from the community specifically. We could be a VRChat erotic roleplaying community starting tomorrow if every staff wanted to bang eachother virtually, and we could end up 50x bigger as a result. The medium is irrelevant, the experiences, interest, and captivation are what matters, but that exists on a staff and member level. As such I recommend everyone join voice chat for party games this Friday at 530PM CST / 330PM PST / 430PM MDT / 630PM EST. It's not a community meeting by any means, but I'll gladly talk about anything else anyone's feeling. https://discord.gg/steamgamers?event=12655567006272061868 points
Really just confused as to what your goal is here anymore. Your posts are never anything but rude and pessimistic and God forbid you commend anyone for the effort we're at least trying to put in instead of whaling on us for being permanently banned at some point in our 10+ years here. Your posts almost never contain anything of substance and 'work on SEO' is the first thing of value you've said after literally thousands of words typed. And I'm sure you'll go on some long tirade about this post being a prime example of how awful my leadership is, but I suppose you'd wholeheartedly agree that it doesn't change anything at the end of the day. Things are the way they are, people are in the positions they're in, and despite your insistence on the fact that your posts come from a place of love for SG, you fail to see that they're doing so very little to help it. I have championed the value of critique and my appreciation for it for years, but this is quite literally the first time where I'm inclined to tune someone out. I have utterly zero distaste for you on a personal level, but I just wish you'd stop this nonstop attack on us. I understand that you miss the old days and are trying to give us some harsh advice but at a certain point you have to understand your words lose value when their intentions start to seem ill. I have respect for you, and I appreciate what you're attempting to do here, but you seem reasonable enough to understand where I'm coming from as well. Have you tried starting a discussion in the Discord? Logging on a server? Making a new forum thread in an attempt to engage people? None of these things are your obligation of course, they're more so mine than yours - but you have a seemingly immense level of passion for how you think things should be done and what you'd like to see SG become. Doing these helpful things in tandem with your harsh posts would at least give your harshness some substance, but instead you do nothing but lurk the forums and wait for another opportunity to strike. Once again, at the end of the day, I have to appreciate you taking the time to post. That's more than what most people with love in their hearts for SG are doing, but man can you show some love? I understand we aren't your ideal choices as leaders, but what do you hope to see accomplished with your aggression about it?8 points
Guys i miss the old jb back in the csgo days, I remember hopping on with my squeaky ass voice and getting called rude and racial slurs but in the end I felt welcomed and enjoyed my time. I'll never forget jb vip in the mix awp secret where people would camp hours on end in it. Never gonna forget when first order was finally added and the other cts started to have an aneurism because they weren't able to talk. I'll never forget the days where some smelly kid name @ape chywould shit on me. I miss the days when people would just scream freedays on og spy v spy map. I miss the days when jb_clouds was so hated by the community because the cts would just camp first island and hide in the stupid ass box that saw the teleporter (I still think jb clouds is the worst map ever). I miss moonbase especially the nyan cat secret where you have to do all the bullshit and parkour to get a super speed boost. I miss minecraft dojo solely for the weird anime hentai room, I think that was when I started my gooning and edging streak at such a young age. Never gonna forget shift tabing and looking up on youtube secrets for the map I was currently playing on. I remember lego jail and the very strange penis decoy model that you could grab (why the fuck was that a thing?). I remember when the match would get undertale and people would beg for them to do the secret that gave you no gravity. Never gonna forget the good old times on summerjail where Ts would get sent to the dj room and hide in the giant speaker with the pistol. In all seriousness, I spent so many hours on jailbreak during my late middle and highschool years. it was fucking amazing to tap into csgo solely to play jailbreak, thank you steamgamers for the great years and I hope it gets revived7 points
I just wanted to take a moment to give shout outs to various members and discuss more to many forum lurkers who still visit. We are still very much alive, and still very much playing video games. I feel it's often not properly conveyed at times because the discord shovels through messages and we as staff typically only interact in the discord, where our activity from players and staff is held. But I did want to cross post this from the Discord as well-- So what's been up? V Rising On May 8th we launched our own V Rising server, Elfbarf, has been running this and the GOAT once again delivers, and we are currently ranked ~700 out of 15,000 servers. It is absolutely great to see the influx of V Rising regulars join the Discord (remember to get the role for V Rising in the Discord here! Please feel free to join up, some light instructions are over here in the Discord #vrising chat. Halo Over the last few weeks, many of our regulars have started doing custom Halo: MCC lobbies. It's been such an active base, we've started trying to do them almost every Friday, these events are ran by Nomai. It's typically 3/Reach as of now but we are slowly moving to the other games inside Halo. Feel free to check out the #halo channel in Discord and, once again, grab the Halo role from here! GMOD TTT Elfbarf is as diligent as ever with TTT and that hasn't stopped even a year since he started the server. We still actively seed on Saturdays around 7PM CST, and Tuesdays around 6PM CST. Our regulars also randomly populate the server on other days, it's all about just hanging out in Discord and seeing when people are willing to play, it only takes a good 5 to have a great time! Grab the Gmod TTT role from here and join us on our seed days! Surf/BHOP/Retakes We remain committed to keeping these servers up as BoTo has been stellar about helping maintain the plugins. We know there exists various minor issues (and bigger ones like Surf's ramp bugs) but we remain diligent in making sure these continue to run. Prison Break / Zombie Escape We have had continued conversations here and there regarding these servers, and although they remain up, we simply do not have the manpower or interest in them currently. We are always exploring options in CS2 but admittedly Valve's efforts to not make community servers a priority in the game leads us to also not has much vested interest, hence the continued bolstering of games like V Rising, Halo, and GMOD TTT. I just wanted to take the last bit of your time reading this to thank all those who continue to come play and join us in the fun. At times it can be exhausting to try and keep up on everything going on from events to playing our 'normally' scheduled games, but getting in VC with you all and having a blast for hours and hours each week makes it all worth it. I really appreciate everyone who continues to come out and make this place worth visiting, playing, and helping contribute to. I hope you guys have a great summer and enjoy the warm weather. Thank you!!!!! As usual, join us on discord! https://discord.gg/steamgamers7 points
Hi I was seeing if I could garner any attention for a new instance of a Squad server. In the past, we had ran 3 pretty successful Squad servers that attracted the attention of players outside of our community. This being an area of potential growth leads me to believe that we could bring in a new demographic of members to our community who are interested in the Mil-Sim category of gaming. My plan would be to spin up a single server that runs Squad's "best maps" that incur the best standards for population growth and seeding purposes, as well as maintaining a player count. Seeding mode map should be Fallujah Seed v1, HABs wont be necessary as the map is small enough for constant CQB. Map rotation would be decided on later need to do more research into what is currently popular but would definitely rotate out older maps for new ones that are added into each patch. RAAS and Invasion are my two favorite game modes and I would most definitely make a majority of the rotation these in particular. Frequent competitions and tournaments could be held. There are many outlets for Steam-Gamers to find new players whether it be via community forums or Discord servers. Squad has a nice advertisement channel that allows representatives to search for new players and promote their servers and or clans. There is lots of success to be found in reaching out to clan representatives, that may not have a server to play on and providing them a server for their members to play on. Clan representatives would be able to post seed requests for their own servers (this had the approval from BD's AFAIK as long as there is a conceptual agreement for a "partnership" between clans) as well as the contribution of reserved server slots for the entire clan. Server pings would be restricted to 2 hours between. I would also suggest handing out whitelists to dedicated members being those who consistently help seed the server, rewarding them with a reserved slot.6 points
Damn, I miss it. Some of my fondest memories from middle & high school were coming home to hop in the CS:S JB server, only ever visiting the forums to report trolls and ask Floffy to make me a new custom spray every other week lol. And who could forget the GMOD PERP server... those were the days! I truly believe that, despite all of the accusations that leadership has failed in one way or another, the only thing hurting SG is that times have changed. I'm glad many of you have stuck around!6 points
Figured I would add some things of my own, view them as opinions or feelings, whatever you choose. When I first joined SG I was in middle school and did what every kid gamer was doing, checking the new/hot game and trying to meet friends/have fun playing with other people. At the time CS was popular and fun; community servers were a way to take the game less serious and just hang out with some people that ending up becoming my friends. I had a lot of fun times and can name plenty of moments I shared with other SG members including some I still interact with today. As an adult I don't have as much time as I used to to constantly sit on the servers or in voice chat waiting for someone to join; but my main goal with SG as an adult is to foster a place for people to enjoy the community as much as I did. It is no secret SG is not in a place that it once was, but I can say we do still have these moments; just not as often. As of now the community seems more "game night/get together" based when it comes to getting people in chat and just hanging out. Gaming has changed, there are so many games with their own servers that having things "community based" apart from a place for people to chat and hang out has sadly dissipated. There is no part of me that doesn't with I could still hop on Teamspeak and join a call with random people and just have some fun again, and maybe there are communities out there that still have this, sadly they are not home. I don't think there is one right or wrong reason for these things but just a combination of things. Yes some were avoidable and are just fuck ups on higher ups part, no one is denying that; but some are just unavoidable. With all of that said we are working towards what makes us happy, which I think can be agreed upon by any staff; a place where people can come and have some fun and build some memories. Sure there isn't 500 people in discord chatting away constantly, but we do have some fun nights for sure. Secret Hitler, Lethal Company, Game Setup roasting, GMOD TTT (mainly just tamer RDMing anyone he can), or sometimes just a bunch of people hanging out late night chatting and streaming whatever random game they are playing. In conclusion, there may not be one right way to skyrocket SG into the biggest community in the world, and who knows, maybe there is, but we are having fun, hanging out with new and old friends, and creating a place where we want to be. I invite anyone reading this post to join us on these nights and have some fun, because honestly it's not just about gaining the most players we can, but enjoying doing it along the way.6 points
We are happy to announce a return to CS2 Jailbreak! Join us tomorrow, March 14th, 4PM CST / 5PM EST / 2PM PST, for our launch event! We’ve been gone for a while, but with things settling down in the CS2 world, we believe it’s time to bring our mix of JB back into the world. I want to thank ThatTamer and BoTo for their great work on bringing this server into the fray. You can connect and check out the server by heading to our servers page. As usual, check out our Discord over here and get the Jailbreak role, and head to our #jailbreak channel!5 points
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Hey all, We're going to be holding a Discord community meeting on August 2 at 630PM EST / 530PM CST / 330PM PST https://discord.gg/WjSbcXFj?event=1266984327015825419 Thanks all!4 points
I've been around for 8 years now. 8 years on and off with this community watching the clicks come and go. 8 years of watching people come and go. if you want more players playing then play too. if you want to help seed then help seed. be active if you want to see more activity. the truth of the matter is this community was a cs community at heart and valve have done everything they can to fuck community servers. the people who are still here and fighting are the ones that continue to play when they see the option. its kind of sad to see posts like this blaming the people who are still here for the people who no longer are. the community has moved heavily into discord and the discord is alive and well. we do party games together on a regular basis & the gmod server is often well populated. unfortunately in todays day and age forums are a thing of the past, and thats not gonna change. getting younger players to join a forum is like trying to bathe an angry cat. without adaptation to current times there will be no future, or present, for our community.4 points
4 points
General Server and Jailbreak Rules General Server Rules: Respect all admins and players alike. No spamming of any kind (voice or chat). Blatant or extreme racism is NOT allowed. Small jokes are fine. Use of the N-word with the hard 'R' is strictly prohibited. No racist words allowed in steam names or clan tags. Do not have confusing names or names that can't be pronounced, subject to admin discretion (includes invisible & foreign characters) No advertising other servers, clans or websites. Do not evade punishment by rejoining the server. No hacking/scripting. This includes hyperscrolling, aimbot, wallhacks etc. No ghosting (or stream sniping). No teamkilling (blocking in KOS areas, starting deathgames, ordering Ts to kill another teammate). Do not abuse the !calladmin command by reporting players for fraudulent reasons. Jailbreak Rules: Guards cannot harm Prisoners unless orders are not being fulfilled or they're rebelling. Warning shots (1 Shot, 1-99 DMG) are always required unless the Prisoner is rebelling or blatantly disobeying orders. Guards must give reasonable orders and shouldn't repeat the same orders often. Freedays are not mandatory under any circumstances and can be revoked at any time. Cells must be opened at a reasonable time, ideally one minute into the round. Guards may camp as long as they are helping their team. The last Guard can camp, but cannot delay. The last Guard is not required to give warning shots to Prisoners that aren't obeying. Guards are not allowed to gunplant or bait the Prisoners. If a Prisoner harms a Guard for any reason (other than doing a LR), the Prisoner can be killed. Any chat order given can be overridden by a voice order. Common Definitions and Terms Detouring - When a prisoner does not follow a direct path to the location stated in the order. Delaying - When a prisoner does not follow an order as fast as they can. KOS - Kill on sight. Warning shots - 1-99 damage dealt by a CT using any means. T Orders - Orders given by a T to intentionally confuse their teammates or guards. Baiting - Doing something that a CT would never do if trying to stay alive, such as being unnecessarily close to Prisoners. Gunplanting - When a CT gives a T a gun. AFK Freeze - An order CTs cannot give, orders the Ts to freeze with their hands off their keyboards and mouse. Special Orders - Any order given to a subset of Prisoners, with an exception of ordering prisoners to drop a weapon or throw utility. Reasonable Orders - An order that is straightforward, clear, to the point, easy to understand, not meant to confuse or trick, and gives the Prisoners enough time to follow. Complete Orders - An order that has a clear and defined end goal for the Ts, such as an order to go to a location or to freeze. A freeday is not a complete order. KOS Catwalks - KOS Catwalks are defined as solid walking platforms that connect directly to the armory. Freezing - When told to freeze you are to stay in the same spot, if you were crouched stay crouching, if you were standing stay standing. You may look around unless told otherwise. Blatantly Disobeying - When a prisoner is purposely disobeying in an attempt to escape and draw attention away from the main group. Voluntary Deathgames - A deathgame proposed by a CT with voluntary participation, predefined parameters, and ends with a winner(s) or the completion of the deathgame/the given parameters. Conflicting orders - Conflicting orders are any orders that conflict with a recent given order. Rebelling - Rebelling is when a prisoner picks up a primary weapon, draws/equips a pistol/zeus, harms/kills a CT, breaks out of a cell, blatantly disobeys or enters a KOS Zone. KOS Zones: Areas or things that connect to armory (Armory/KOS catwalks, armory stairs, etc.) Teleporters Armory Vents Invisible Walls/Objects/Buttons/Ladders (invisible ladders are KOS unless they can't be avoided) Secrets General Rules for Teams Prisoners: Prisoners that rebel can be killed on sight. Prisoners cannot give orders to other Prisoners. Guards can kill for this and admins can punish for it. Guards: Guards cannot harm Prisoners unless orders are not being fulfilled or they are rebelling. Guards cannot obstruct a Prisoners ability to follow the orders. Guards cannot bait, subject to admin discretion. If a Prisoner damages the Guard they are still KOS. Guards cannot gunplant. Guards cannot enforce or create their own KOS rules. This means Guards cannot bypass warning shots for situations that call for them, despite saying otherwise. Guards cannot repeat the same order often, including orders given during previous rounds. Guards cannot use gun name tags as evidence, however they can use the kill feed. Guards cannot order Prisoners to have a warday, to AFK freeze, or declare themselves as warden. Guards cannot abuse Special Orders or give them in text chat; Special orders must be given in voice chat and can be overridden without counting as a conflicting order. Guards must give reasonable orders. Guards must open the cells at a reasonable time, ideally by one minute into the round. Guards must actively be enforcing orders or assisting their team. Guards must give warning shots (1 Shot, 1-99 DMG) unless the Prisoner is rebelling. After a warning shot is given and if the Prisoner keeps disobeying the same order, they can be killed, given they had a reasonable amount of time to begin following the order. Guards must name the Prisoner they are asking to drop their utility or pistol/zeus. Repeat the last given order at least once if requested by a Prisoner. Guards Privileges Include the Following: Not having to say “no detouring/delaying”, it is automatically implied. Not having to honor pardons as requested by other Guards. Being able to order the Prisoners to "Be off mic", but can only use it for 15 seconds at a time. This should only be used when they are attempting to give an order, but the Prisoners are being too loud to do so. Overriding chat orders with a mic without it being a conflicting order. Being able to kill Prisoners for being on a ladder/stair if it is KOS. Ladders/stairs are apart of what they connect to, which means if a ladder/stair leads to armory it is KOS. Being able to kill a Prisoner for throwing a grenade at them if there was a reasonable attempt to harm or kill the Guard. The same applies for when a Prisoner is chasing a Guard and knifing at them. Not being required to give warning shots to Prisoners if they are the last Guard. Being able to host voluntary deathgames, subject to admin discretion. Rules for Last Requests and Deathgames Deathgame Rules: Guards cannot force a deathgame when there are 4 or less Prisoners alive. Guards must, to the best of their ability, cease the deathgame if it gets to this number. Deathgames can only be started 2 minutes and 30 seconds into the round. Guards must allow the map deathgame to function as intended and must not interfere at all. Guards can only force map-made deathgames and must let the deathgame do the damaging and killing. The map-made deathgame must give the Prisoners a reasonable chance to live. Last Request Rules: LRs can be forced when there are 4 or less Prisoners left alive. A Guard is not allowed to cheat or delay during an LR unless dealing with a rebelling Prisoner. A prisoner who cheats or delays during their LR is KOS. Guards cannot interfere with LRs they are not participating in. Last Requests must be reasonable and cannot be timed. If a prisoner's LR is interrupted they may request another one. LRs are considered to be complete when the winning party kills the losing party. A Prisoner may request to do another LR after the previous one is completed, but Guards are not required to honor this request and the Prisoner may be killed. A Prisoner is allowed to harm/kill the participating Guard if their LR implies that the Guard can be harmed/killed. The Prisoner can be killed if they rebel (I.e. shooting another Guard during S4S). If you are confused on a certain rule, term, or command, please notify a staff member or open a forums post dicussing the matter.3 points
Necroing this thread as I'm curious if adding a landing page made the servers thrive?3 points
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3 points
So I'm going to go down this rabbit hole with you once again.. without saying 'you need to resign' or 'get rid of the higher-ups' - please tell me what you would do with the community if you were in a leadership position. I am not saying that in a condescending way or to come across dismissive. I am literally begging you to just tell me what you think is being done wrong. GFL, the biggest community when CS:GO was in a good position, has just closed its doors. Edge Gamers, the second biggest if not the actual biggest, has one server left in CS2. You're speaking to us as if we've been dealt a grand hand and are throwing it to the wayside. Please.. I am begging you to respond with something of meaning that anyone can actually gain something from.3 points
" lower population numbers in recent times" "struggled with activity in recent months" It's been going on for years. Not in recent times or months. The crazy thing is, nothing is changing. People are not leaving because the supporter system needs a rework. People are not leaving because the right people aren't being promoted. People are not leaving because you haven't rebooted the same server for the 10th time. People aren't leaving because of the community name. People are leaving because of poor leadership and a lack of direction, organization, and sense of community. Hell, the only thing you need to do to become BD now is to have gotten banned at one point and then just be active in discord. It's a toxic environment, with the only people sticking around being those that feed on the constant narcissistic backslap that seems to go around, and a limited few who just miss the old days, hope that some day things will get better, and don't want to see it gone forever. There really is just a point where you have to sit down and look at what SG has become under the current leadership. Just because it has a server up and some people that talk in discord does not mean its surviving. At the time of writing this, in the last 12 hours, only 1 person has attempted to connect/join an SG server. That is where we are at. That is the state and health of the 'community'. Community Faith in SG leadership < 0 Honestly, at this point, why don't we just have a timer and if you play on an SG server for 30 minutes, you automatically get Admin. Would save you guys some time. Reminds me of joining a desperate 12 year olds minecraft and they scream 'if you stay I'll give you admin' into chat.3 points
If you remove the forums I won't be able to necro threads like this to voice my disappointment at everyone in it.3 points
I have been playing retakes off and on. (more than anyone) To be honest, I have not even paid attention the XP system (currently #1). I cant speak for how it was setup, but my hypothesis is that it was a standard setup (more of a "default") rather than a customization. This is a new server that isnt super populated yet. Basically, feedback is welcome if you believe it will promote healthier server population. I am sure it is something we can look into, but havent had a reason to do so yet. In the meantime I would probably advise you to play the gamemode as it is meant to be played. I do this and have had no issue climbing the ranks. In the end playtime is what matters most.3 points
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2 points
6 variations of electric razor, crazy. good techno music on every map, and mic spamming 14yo's like me. the good old days2 points
2 points
The notion that only movement players would play minigames is rooted in bad map and player habits. When all you play is some combination of long road, super tower, and skytower you're obviously gonna get a bunch of backstabbers who just like to fly around the map. I can't speak for the times before me, but from when I played, we rarely got new players that stuck around when we were on these types of maps and had these types of players online. Whenever the server reached 20+ it was almost always on a more laid back map that didn't promote backstabbing or when no movement players were online. Catering your server to a select group of players who usually have no loyalty to any 1 given server and who actively drive away new players is not a winning strategy. I also think its been long enough that many of these players straight up don't play cs and especially not MG anymore. I don't blame anyone for the server hosting sweaty players and I understand it wouldn't have been feasible to just remove autobhop after years of the server having it back then. But its been a year since cs2 launched and multiple years since the old csgo mg server shut down, we have the opportunity to start fresh with a new approach on MG. I know work is being done and people have lives outside of cs, but most of our servers sit empty all day. I don't see the issue with trying something new out and seeing if it works out. If you want to measure how many people are actually interested, maybe host an event or open a separate thread asking people for their thoughts. If you guys decide an MG server isn't worth it, I understand completely. I just wanted to say my piece.2 points
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2 points
I'm just pointing out that things are dead and you guys are worried about the wrong things, while acting like the fact things are dead is just a temporary issue. I don't need a lecture about how giving out staff works. Especially not from someone that should never have had their perm removed, let alone promoted to BD. But, that is a modern SG trend and a symptom of what killed it. The fact your post has 8 likes and only 1 of which is an actual regular member demonstrates my point of what SG has become. You can live in denial all you want, but the reality is that SG has failed under TERRIBLE leadership. The fact is, only ONE person who has joined the forums in the LAST 3 YEARS has viewed this thread. More than 70% of the people who have viewed this thread are either currently admin+ or have been admin. That is what SG has become. It is just crazy to me that knowing this, the changes upper management is suggesting is a Supporter rework and a few promotions into a staff list that is already 50x bigger than its active player count. Just go ahead and continue the 12 year old "Join my minecraft server and get admin ... please don't leave" move. We've literally resorted to BEGGING people who were PERMANENTLY banned to come back and run and manage the servers and communities. Yes, I get it, some people like to chat on discord, but even a 14 year old mmo guild I'm in on discord has more activity than the SG discord. It's the afternoon of a summer break day, and the SG discord general channel at this time has only 3 messages total today, and those 3 messages are from Admin+. It also has a total of 0 people in voice chat. The other channels have some messages, but it seems like no different than the shoutbox activity prior to discord - not really of relevance but just people blurting random thoughts with some light communication involved. "because someone here wants to do it." Leadership isn't about a free-for-all where people only want to do what they want to do. It's about guiding and directing people, and encouraging them to do even the hard things they normally would not want to do. If they are only doing the things they want to, then why in gods name do we have more higher ranking staff than members? Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to mention. Our servers currently have 0 people in them. None of the servers have had more than 2 people in them so far today. Over the last 48 hours, only one server has had more than 6 players. That was only for about 2 hours.2 points
You know, I honestly don't know. Gaming has since evolved past large group social seeking gaming into more of a private party social gaming. Server browsers are all but gone, nearly every game supports private party groups, and there is no longer a need for giant networks like this, except in very niche games, and even then, everyone is familiar with clients like discord that even though people might join a server, they aren't going to seek out the community or the discord for that server beyond basic support. People are also in dozens of discord servers. I can't name how many I've joined, used for a single day for support in some way, and haven't opened that discord since. Pretty much the only appeal communities like SG have are people in our generations, who seek out the nostalgia of it, or communities centered around social differences or beliefs. My honest opinion, servers aren't really needed anymore, expect for what the community wants to do. SG does not have to have a counter-strike server. It does not need to have a rust server. But, if the community wants to have one, then by all means, keep one active. Gaming Communities are no longer measured in success by their servers. Servers in general are becoming outdated. People are also no longer interested in the 'gaming community' that runs a server either. It's just another brand in the mass of brands. Chances are the next time they play the game, they'll just click the matchmaking button with whatever settings they want. Short of survival games, there is literally no need or desire to join the same server in modern gaming. Instead, I think we should be focusing on both discord and the website/forums. SG right now has very limited, if not any, discoverability. Short of typing Steam Gamers, you'll have trouble finding anything regarding it on Google difficult. When was the last time someone put work into SEO? I know it was mentioned that the website is a technical nightmare, but honestly, it's probably far more important than anything else that could be done. What can we offer to bring more traffic here? Perhaps a resource network of how to run and operate your own gaming server? Maybe some useful SG plugins for games that you have to come here to download for your own server? Not sure if that would cause member retention, but at least it'd be some traffic. There is still a need for a social setting like the forums though. If there wasn't, Reddit would not still be around. You have to come to a realization though Dom, Steam-Gamers is all but dead. It hasn't been months or a short time. Its been years, and it has been in a constant decline even under your leadership. I'm not saying you have to resign, I don't think it'd make a difference at this point. What was done is done. But, what you guys are doing isn't going to bring new players. You can probably count the amount of people excited by your announcement on a single hand. Do something different to expect different results. Right now you are doing the same exact thing as Edge Gamers, and they are dying. You are doing the same thing as Hellsgamers, and they are dead. You are doing the same thing as 99% of other gaming communities that no longer exist, and SG is all but gone because of it.2 points
2 points
XP system makes this server a wash compared to what it was in CS:GO "Brb, I'm going to go afk to do something real quick" -15 XP when you got spectator T-side, gets a 2k holding side & dies to the bomb while clutching and winning the round +5 (kill), +5 (kill) +1 (headshot), -20 for dying to bomb post-round = -9 XP for winning a 1v2 and dying to bomb Even going 1-for-1 and having your team win the round makes you lose XP You have to get multi-frags AND get defuse AND get MVP EVERY ROUND in order to climb. There's ZERO incentive to play with your team and trade kills or entry into a site to create space because even if it's worth it, you're going to demote from it. I've been climbing the leaderboard by abusing the broken system and getting 1-2 kills then just hiding. Would rather get dinged -8 XP for losing the round than -28 XP for losing AND dying from a 1v2 clutch attempt. FIX THE XP! MAKE IT WORTH PLAYING WITH THE TEAM! MAKE IT WORTH CLUTCHING! MAKE IT WORTH SOMETHING!2 points
this shit is spicy what's even in this ... oh da-2 points
As always, thanks for the update and commitment jazzy. Thanks also to Elf, Nomai, BoTo, and everyone else involved.1 point
Late to the party but congrats guys! We all appreciate your hard work and dedication!1 point
What's stopping you guys from hopping on JB? Has JB gotten boring for everyone? or is it just the servers arent active so people wont hop on?1 point
1 point
1 point
Happy birthday Zayne, sorry for telling you to neck yourself in Overwatch like 6 years ago. Hope you're well.1 point
1 point
1 point
02/27/24: Added ttt_industry, ttt_underpower 03/23/24: Added ttt_zeta_cm 03/31/24: Added ttt_greenwood_estates_v4, ttt_lookatthatview_xn, ttt_summermansion_b3, ttt_67thway_sucks Removed ttt_pdth_diamondheist_v11 point
I miss you man, you're in my thoughts a lot these days. I think back all the time on the advice you'd give me. I've done my best to grow into a man you'd be proud of, you were one of the best. Wish you were still here1 point
1 point
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